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Andreea Ciobîcă - 10 meters of time, 2013 –installation (graphite on paper, photography)

Exact repetition is impossible. Each time, something changes. Movement lives with every dive into the void, with every withdrawal. Even when it gets born infinite times, it gets to live a new life. The experience of each stroke is based on the unique moment in which a mental image is thrown into space through impulse and materiality. The uniqueness of that instance where the movement is made, equates with the impossibility of it having a true replica. Flux, time, density and the importance given to them, that is what makes the quality of movement. Effort identifies with body movement, it is defined by the internal impulses where movement originates, it consumes energy. Faced to an uncomfortable task, the frailty of the human being becomes clear. Movement is also outlined by its temporal limits. It grows from silence. It develops and dies. The traces left on the paper are documents of the effort residing in each movement. They show the fluid dialog of will and frustration. Tiredness, boredom, relinquishment are all part of the process. I chose to repeat a gesture, on a fixed trajectory, no intermission, with the intention to mark time and emphasise the fragility of will. Exhaustion becomes an essential element. Between control and release, this project creates an approach to limits and the dynamic of overcoming them.